2015-09-08 - Amsterdam
Тур: Innocence and Experience tour
Песен исполнено: 28
аудиозаписи: 3
Видео: 1
  1. Just listened to the AMS4 recording this morning, or a part of it, incredible stuff. Magnificent sounds really good. I hope this one makes a return somewhere, it would deserve one.
  2. Originally posted by Remy:Just listened to the AMS4 recording this morning, or a part of it, incredible stuff. Magnificent sounds really good. I hope this one makes a return somewhere, it would deserve one.
    What recording. Sergio's?
  3. one8ung's is a good recording. Especially when you like to hear the band very upfront.

  4. Amstel Hotel,
    "Can I shake your hand please, Edge?"
    "Ofcourse you can!"
  5. I looking for a photo from U2 that was seeing on the ouside from the ziggo dome
    Wen you walk to the ziggo dome

  6. Just framed it☺️ Great reminder of 4 perfect nights!
  7. Holy shit I never realised how bizarre that performance of Magnificent was.