2018-05-11 - Las Vegas
Тур: Experience and Innocence tour
Песен исполнено: 28
аудиозаписи: 2
  1. Do You guys think Last Night on Earth will appear, I would like to hear mofo but don't think they have the backing sounds ready for that song
  2. Originally posted by U2PopMofo:Do You guys think Last Night on Earth will appear, I would like to hear mofo but don't think they have the backing sounds ready for that song
  3. would love it though
  4. Same set as SJ 1... just more chat about vegas, dreams, desire, innocence, money, showbiz, etc
  5. Yep, expect more of the same o’l rehearsed standard E&i tour setlist !
  6. I like that they have merchandise stands outside - better than what I usually do, which is wear the new shirt over my old shirt.

    On a late spring Las Vegas day, that didn't seem optimal.
  7. Originally posted by U2PopMofo:Do You guys think Last Night on Earth will appear, I would like to hear mofo but don't think they have the backing sounds ready for that song
    I'm sure they have the backing sounds ready for everything they've played in the digital age it's just that the band aren't ready !!
  8. Originally posted by treasure:[..]
    I'm sure they have the backing sounds ready for everything they've played in the digital age it's just that the band aren't ready !!
    true it seems like the band is only ready for elevation, vertigo and beautiful day
  9. Originally posted by U2PopMofo:Do You guys think Last Night on Earth will appear, I would like to hear mofo but don't think they have the backing sounds ready for that song
    if only
  10. they played over 50 different songs in the past 12 months. It seems like........
  11. Bono is not known to be playing guitar these days due to nerve damage.his guitar part in last night on earth is pretty significant to the song..maybe edge can loop bonos parts but dont hold your breath