2011-07-30 - Moncton
Trasa: U2 360° Tour
Wykonane utwory: 27
Nagrania audio: 3
Filmy: 1

  1. Before the show. Lighting equipment being lifted into place.

  2. Looking at people waiting for the show to start. Picture was taken from the Red Zone area.

  3. Brian still had a bit of a black beard then... almost 9 years ago

  4. These are great!! Do you remember if they made any reference to being in such a random out of nowhere place? Haha, I will never get over the fact that I saw U2 in my home!!

  5. Six minutes! Who’s in?
  6. I'm in! Greetings from Germany to everyone around the world!
  7. What was the attendance at this show?
  8. I think it was 66,000. And I lost my phone at it!