2010-09-26 - San Sebastian
Turne: U2 360° Tour
Songs played: 25
Ses kayıtları: 6
Videolar: 1
  1. It is almost your turn Sergio!
    Have lots of fun!
  2. Matt arrived in San Sebastian despite of his missed flight. Hoping for some good audio stream!
  3. what do you guys think are the chances of "Spanish Eyes" appearing in the setlist?

  4. I thought of that the other day. It might get played, who knows, lets wait and see.

  5. Had more chance for Barcelona II then.
  6. Have a good time Sergio

    And let's wait for more surprises...

  7. Pàsatela excelente, yo ya quiero verlos en mi paìs (Mèxico), luego nos dices què tal estuvo..

    (Have a great time, i want to see them in my country(Mexico), later you can tell us how was it..)

  8. have fun tonight, everyone who is going, This is going to be a great show for sure - nothing's crazier than the Spanish crowds in a positive way

    Sergio, have the time of your life again tonight, will be thinking of you. And I hope for IWF

    will there be a live broadcast tonight? I may have time to join the setlist party.... wohooo