1992-05-07 - Paris, France - Palais Omnisports De Bercy


Uwagi do wykonania: Bono sings some improvised lyrics at the end of One rather than the usual live verse Hear Us Coming, and then goes into an Unchained Melody snippet.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

utwory per album

  1. Achtung Baby (9)
  2. The Joshua Tree (5)
  3. The Unforgettable Fire (2)
  4. Rattle and Hum (1)

najlepsze wykonania piosenek

  1. With Or Without You (10 głosy)
  2. Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses (7 głosy)

Chcielibyśmy wiedzieć, na jakich koncertach byłeś/aś i na jakie zamierzasz pójść. Na tej stronie możesz zobaczyć, kto z użytkowników był lub zamierza być na tym koncercie. Możesz wysłać niektórym z nich prywatną wiadomość, aby się spotkać lub porozmawiać o koncercie.

Uczestnicy koncertu: 42

United Kingdom
21 użytkownicy z France:
Batman93, Cedmon, Earlymo, Frenchelectricboy, Knockando72, LEROY, Lionel, PascalG, Pathakinde, Since1987, StephOnTour87, Stephane_Pancrazi, arnouck, bonozitoun, gawana, hjouanne, houlala, judex, onetreebill, tico_loco, yann11

7 z United Kingdom:
ArtVandelay, KEVIN51269, U287, alsy01, sturoopa, veggie, wack145

6 z Belgium:
EvaDeNutte, GJD179, bspring1, ditch691125, fabelgo43, u2willu2

5 z Netherlands: Edwin_B, Maarten909, U2anthony, rubenennoa, tk627
1 z United Arab Emirates: iambic
1 z Illinois: mynab
1 z Alaska: Spacejunk

recenzja DanielLikeAlbum

2 lata temu


A great way to kick off the European leg of the Zoo TV tour, everyone is in good form tonight and despite the encores being cut down the band still offer good renditions of the songs that they do play tonight with no noticeable mistakes occurring, Bono also does something interesting during the performance of With Or Without You tonight by playing a guitar solo before going into the Love Will Tear Us Apart snippet which I personally think makes this rendition a lot more interesting than others. So, overall a great start for this leg of the tour.


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Nagranie: Audience microphone - 4 gwiazdki


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Overall, this performance is a great way to start off the second leg of the Zoo TV tour in my opinion, despite the encores being shorter than other shows the band are able to make up for this by playing great renditions of what is in the set, not only this but, the band seem to be playing to a fantastic audience as well as you can hear them singing along during the chorus sections of The Fly and other songs during the setlist so, the atmosphere tonight is good another thing I enjoyed from this show was the interesting rendition of With Or Without You featuring a guitar solo from Bono. So, overall I'd say this is a nice show on the tour and on the European leg even if there are better shows out there.

Zoo Station
The Fly
Even Better Than The Real Thing
Mysterious Ways
Until The End Of The World
Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
Bullet The Blue Sky
Where The Streets Have No Name
With Or Without You

wszystkie recenzje

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WojBhoy Czytaj dalej
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djrlewis Czytaj dalej
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  • Dostępne nagrania: 2
  • Pokaż pobrane pliki: 1673

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"Exit Paris"

  • Pochodzenie: Audience microphone
  • Autorzy: Euro Boots (Silver Manufacturer)
  • Rodowód: CD
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