1992-03-12 - Hartford, Connecticut - Civic Center

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pessoas que estiveram nesse show: 13

5 usuários de Connecticut: Mila17, alberto3, jennifer23, micksos, numda01
3 de New York: 88stillhere, 909StJohnDivine, Goofyclowndog
2 de Massachusetts: Jimsig, Wardo19
1 de Arizona: elizabethseattle
1 de New Hampshire: teambud33
1 de New Jersey: Popfan

revisão por carbide

3 anos atrás


Esta parte só foi avaliada, não comentada


Esta parte só foi avaliada, não comentada
Gravação: Audience microphone - 3 estrelas


Esta parte só foi avaliada, não comentada


12/3/1992 - Hartford, Connecticut - This review has spoilers
This show was quite a chaotic one - a lot of moments feel made up, with some super unexpected twists and turns, both good ones and bad ones. Mysterious Ways sums up this show super well - the band make multiple noticeable errors, but make up for them with an extended outro, featuring a longer, different solo and many improvised and rearranged vocals from Bono. A lot of the show is like this, issues with the show that are balanced out by great moments that appear throughout too. One has an early verse, one which bears no resemblance to Hear Us Coming, but some resemblance to the earlier extra verses. Bono also adds the slightest bit of guitar work at the end of the song, something that would later be extended to become a lengthy snippet at the end of the song, most commonly Unchained Melody. Desire is cut completely from the tape sadly, and Love is Blindness is completely omitted from the show, which was disappointing. Generally quite a good show with very unique moments and also very noticeable flaws.

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  • Gravações disponíveis: 1
  • Downloads do show: 549


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Audience microphone

  • Origens: Audience microphone
  • Qualidade baseada nas resenhas:
  • Downloads: 530

áudio / MP3

Bit depth: 16, nota da amostra: 44100, canais: 2
Download via Mega.co.nz
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