1997-05-22 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Three Rivers Stadium

şarkı listesi

Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

Hangi albümden kaç şarkı

  1. Pop (9)
  2. Achtung Baby (4)
  3. The Joshua Tree (4)
  4. Boy (1)
  5. The Unforgettable Fire (1)
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katılanları göster: 11

Maryland dan/den 3 kullanıcı: alexpensfan86, arco, zootv1992
Pennsylvania den/dan 2: SunglassMichael, aserapig
Ohio den/dan 2: keyweave, thomerun
Indiana den/dan 1: MacPhistoMan
West Virginia den/dan 1: shagg28045
Uruguay den/dan 1: Adriana_u2
Texas den/dan 1: Molykote

yorumu yapan MattG

3 yıl önce


Was hoping this would be a little more buttoned-up but, it is early PopMart.

The first half of the show is more or less a disaster. Mofo is decently strong (and you can tell right off the bat that the mix is gonna be great on this boot), but Edge does miss a 747 scream. From there, it keeps falling apart...Larry ends I Will Follow early and Bono calls it out. Edge starts EBTTRT in the wrong key. Bono throws his voice out during Pride which then falls apart toward the end.

It's clear to me from this show that the band's chemistry is not yet developed on stage. They seem to have issues communicating during the performance, which makes everyone's cues a little disjointed and the magic feels less-present.

Toward the end, however, they start to tighten up. The entire run of Miami thru Streets is strong compared to the rest of this performance. Velvet Dress > WOWY also impressed me.


Very decent PopMart recording with everyone audible. Wish the crowd was mixed in a bit more but it's tough in these stadium shows to get everything you want.
Kayıt: "Fradoca Remaster" - 4.5 yıldız


They're alright but mostly hard to hear and don't add too much to what I feel is a lackluster performance.


A good exploration of just how off-game some of these early PopMart shows were. There are strong points and U2 never gives up on the show, managing a decent recovery by the time its wrapped up.

tüm yorumlar

Göster toplam  
patou2 Devamını oku
cesar_garza01 Devamını oku
MattG Devamını oku

Ses sayfamıza hoşgeldiniz. Bu sayfada, bu gösterinin yitimli (MP3) ve bazen yitimsiz (çoğunlukla FLAC) ses kayıtlarını (bootleg olarak da bilinen) da indirebilirsiniz. Mevcut kayıtlar, kayıt tipine ve kalitesine göre sınıflandırılmıştır.

  • Mevcut kayıtlar: 2
  • İndirilenleri göster: 692

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"Fradoca Remaster"

  • Menşei: Audience microphone
  • Dizin: Fradoca (Remasterer)
  • Satır: DaT(M) ->DaT(clone) ->Pc(digital in) ->Fradoca Reamstering ->Flac6 ->mp3@192
  • Değerlendirmelere göre kalite:
  • İndirilenler: 220
bilgi dosyası görüntüle

Ses / MP3

Bit oranı: 192, bit derinliği: 16, örnek oran: 44100, kanallar: 2
Mega.nz yoluyla indir!
Ses örnekleri

Audience microphone

  • Menşei: Audience microphone
  • Değerlendirmelere göre kalite:
  • İndirilenler: 495

Ses / MP3

Bit derinliği: 16, örnek oran: 44100, kanallar: 2
Mega.co.nz yoluyla indir!
Ses örnekleri
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