2015-12-01 - New York, New York - Carnegie Hall

şarkı listesi

Performance notes: Bono and Edge perform at a private event at Carnegie Hall in New York tonight: "A Night of Music: Celebrating 10 Years of ONE and (RED)". Tickets were not available to the general public. Last five songs were accompanied by an orchestra.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

Hangi albümden kaç şarkı

  1. Rattle and Hum (2)
  2. Songs Of Innocence (1)
  3. All That You Can't Leave Behind (1)
  4. The Joshua Tree (1)
  5. Achtung Baby (1)

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katılanları göster: 2

Connecticut dan/den 1 kullanıcı: Crocktacularity

yorumu yapan phil_lebo

8 yıl önce


Did not know what to expect for "free tickets" to go see a U2 performance, but boy was I surprised.
6 songs, a great night of thanks to the supporters, numerous guests, including Bill Clinton, Sting, VP Biden, Jessie J, Hoozier.... unfortunately Miley Cyrus too.


Bu bölüm sadece değerlendirilmiştir, yorumlanmamıştır


Crowd mostly just sat in their seats, not a typical U2 crowd, but that can be expected from this type of event. A few of us were rocking out pretty hard in the balcony seating area.


Miley Cyrus forgetting the words to One takes away half a star.

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phil_lebo Devamını oku

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  1. Show Program
  2. Bono & Edge
  3. Bono & Edge
  4. Bono & Edge
  5. Bono, Edge & Hozier
  6. Bono & Edge
  7. Bono Introduction Speech
  8. Bono
  9. Bono
  10. Bono
  11. Bono & Edge
  12. Bono & Edge