1987-12-12 - Hampton, Virginia - Hampton Coliseum

şarkı listesi

Performance notes: 11 O'clock Tick Tock is performed for the only time on the Joshua Tree Tour. The band play a cover of The Eagles' Tequila Sunrise, with Larry on lead vocals for the first time ever at a U2 concert. Mothers Of The Disappeared is played for the first time in over seven months; its last appearance was on 8 May 1987. Last public performance of Lucille; its only subsequent performance was at a birthday celebration for BB King. Before the show, Edge joined the opener, The BoDeans, for a single song.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

Hangi albümden kaç şarkı

  1. The Joshua Tree (8)
  2. The Unforgettable Fire (3)
  3. War (3)
  4. Boy (2)

Hangi gösterilere gittiğinizi ve hangi gösterilere gideceğinizi bilmek isteriz. Bu sayfada hangi üyelerin bu gösteriye gittiğini veya gideceğini görebilirsiniz. Buradan bazı üyelere gösteriyle ilgili konuşmak veya görüşmek için özel mesaj atabilirsiniz.

katılanları göster: 6

North Carolina
North Carolina
North Carolina dan/den 2 kullanıcı: dhaygood, kohoutek
United Arab Emirates den/dan 1: iambic
Virginia den/dan 1: u2glenn
New York den/dan 1: Penelope
Texas den/dan 1: dutchterp7

yorumu yapan 2UToo

1 ay önce


Overall, this is a fantastic show to end off the "proper" 'Joshua Tree' Tour. As usually, Bono takes a bit to warm up properly but puts in a solid performance overall, both showing some rough moments and cracks but also nailing other songs without issue. The band are tight except for Edge's solo in '11 O'Clock Tick Tock'. The only blunder was 'Pride'.

The setlist is quite interesting and while I really liked some older songs or rare covers making appearances, I wish they hadn't replaced other songs but rather were added on top to celebrate the end of the tour.


Listenable but not very clear. Also, there are several cuts, both in between songs and during songs which take away from the immersive experience a bit.
Kayıt: Audience microphone - 4 yıldız


If it weren't for Bono's speeches throughout the show, I would be sure that this was mislabelled! The audience are absolutely incredible, singing along, cheering, clapping and having a ball throughout, very much like the best of the best audiences in the world and unlike usually more restrained American audiences.


What a great way to end a tour! The audience's energy makes up for some rougher patches or sloppy moments.

Highlights: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Exit, Running to Stand Still, New Year's Day, Mothers of the Disappeared, With or Without You

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