2009-08-03 - Gelsenkirchen, Germany - Veltins-Arena


Support act: Snow Patrol
Performance notes: This concert was included in the first list of 360° Tour shows posted by U2.com on 9 March 2009, then quietly removed a few hours later. It was finally confirmed by the promoter on the 19th of March.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. No Line On The Horizon (7)
  2. All That You Can't Leave Behind (4)
  3. The Joshua Tree (3)
  4. The Unforgettable Fire (3)
  5. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (2)
  6. Achtung Baby (2)
  7. War (1)
Was one of these songs performed outstandingly during this show? Click on the name of the song to mark it as such!

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show attendees: 177

82 users from Germany:
ABOY, AchtungBaby1989, All_I_Want, Belgomofo, BloodOnTheRooftops, Bonolina, CElevate, Chriko72, Clarence, Claudia_H, DocDamaG, DrogoB70, Drunkchicken1, Elbtaucher, Flyboy, Frank1963, Gelsenkirchen, Happy_Jack, IwillFOLLOW, JoshuaTree1987, Joshuatree2017, KenScott, Klapskally, Laetzchen, Loverman, Luxifer, MacStripey, Marillion, Mark2025, Nasenbaerwarschonweg, Papo, Revilo01, TUF2005, TheDaysleeper, TheFly1987, Toxic, VanHimmel, WilliamBlake4U2, ammhwk, andrewred, angelfish23, bonavoxa, bonogirl67, cologne_fly, dierk1973, efwe0711, faxe65, floneus, flowerchild, frederik, greatshi, guiseppe391, hailight, hannes269, held_der_arbeit, hep, herr_schoen, hewson1974, hsh, jdvfb20, lalle68, lampard8, loftarasa, modetom, passwort, raffiyork, remos, rufusMH, sigma415, sirkk, spooner, stefan1974, steffi_ca, sushbone, tombw, tuf_1974, u2freaksammy, u2makesbono, wowoy, wowoy_cgn, xirono, zoogaloo

65 from Netherlands:
Acrobad, BWE1995, BigGiRL, Bonovoxke, Edwin_B, Eelkie, Janus02, Jeanine1971, Josie, Kallie, Kubel, Maaaike, Maarten909, Mdeboer, Pasta, Remy, Ricku2, Scholekster, Soundwall, StefLit, Steve93, TheUglyOne, U218singles, U2Heerlen, U2_Edge, U2jewel, Zooropa431, acrobat01, brimeg, chiel76, dannygalis, djcfb, dstraasheijm, edbale1969, edbale69, edwinlammers, edwinlammers74, erwinschot, ferrari, geoffrey70, itisme, ivovertigo, maarten1971, madeye, martijnu2start, mezzamorphis, michelpas, mofoganda, nl_2006, pcmklein, petra69, phofstee, r0b0n0, renebeike, ruudvdboomen, sleus, snortier, sven, u2joost, vantol, ver2go, vertigo05suug, vlietp, wizardvanos, zoorostar

21 from Belgium:
4everU2, AngelofDublin, Christofvp, Lobmans, PatrickSilviaSanne, axelbono73, bspring1, ditch691125, fonteyng, igreg, koning_albert, naja, navalizt, nicocoppens, patske, sophil, sophil007, stevie, tomvanacker, vanvelthoven, yauckt

2 from Luxembourg: maba69, sarahjb
2 from France: SibTig, fabricehoy
1 from Ireland: Zooropa90
1 from Portugal: bcplux
1 from Switzerland: swisspaddy
1 from Denmark: U2maniac73

review by Salome91

13 years ago


It was the first time I saw U2 live and it was a groundbreaking experiance to me. I could never believe that four guys create such a hysteria.
When Larry Mullen, jr. entered the stage to start the powerful drumbeat of "Breathe", nearly everybody was Out Of Control . The band rocked the arena for about two hours and every song was unforgettable. After seeing the band, it was clear to me: U2 is THE best live-band of all the time.


It's a great sound for a great show.


The audience was great. Everybody was attired from the first second to the end of the show. Bono said that they wanted to create a "living-room-feeling" and it was exactly what they did, at least also because of the audience.


It's obvious: U2 is awesome in every way and so in this bootleg. Download !

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  • Recordings available: 5
  • Show downloads: 2013

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"Auf Schalke 2009"

  • Origins: Audience microphone, CD Silver
  • Credits: Sentinel Records (Silver Manufacturer)
  • Lineage: Silver Double CD: Sentinel Records [SR 6609] > Nero > .wav > TLH > .flac [ > fre:ac > mp3]
  • Downloads: 126
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Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 256, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
Download via Mega.nz

Audio / FLAC

Bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
Download via Mega.nz
Audio samples


  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: Frans (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Sony ECM-MS907 (Microphone)
  • Lineage: [digital master: Sony MD] > Sonicstage > WAV (44,1kHz) > Nero Wave Editor > .wav > DbPoweramp MC > .shn > Switch Sound File Converter > .mp3
  • Downloads: 1449
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Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
Download via Mediafire.com
Audio samples

"Olympus LS-10"

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: eraserhead (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Olympus LS-10 (Audio recording device)
  • Lineage: [digital master 16/88.2] > SONY Vegas 9 pro > .wav 16/44.1 > CD > FLAC > [...] > .mp3
  • Downloads: 136
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Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
Download via Mediafire.com
Audio samples

"Core Sound Stealthy Cardioids - Sony TCD D 7"

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: Stadtfelder (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Sony TCD D7 (Audio recording device), Core Sound Stealthy Cardioids (Microphone)
  • Lineage: [DAT Master] > Terratec EWX 2496 > Soundforge 9.0 > CD Wave Editor > .flac
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We do not have any download links available for this source. Submit if you do!

"Veltins In The Moonlight"

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: Massygo (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: OKM-IIr (Microphone), A3 (Power supply), Sony TCD D-100 (Audio recording device)
  • Lineage: [DAT master] > Dig i/o cableconnection > Creative Labs > CD Wave > .wav > Cool Edit 2000 > .flac
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  1. U2 Live in Gelsenkirchen
  2. U2 Live in Gelsenkirchen
  3. U2 Live in Gelsenkirchen
  4. U2 Live in Gelsenkirchen
  5. U2 Live in Gelsenkirchen
  6. U2 Live in Gelsenkirchen
  7. U2 Live in Gelsenkirchen
  8. Goodbey Gelsenkirchen
  9. Goodbey Gelsenkirchen
  10. Green lights
  11. Indoor spaceship
  12. Indoor spaceship