2010-12-14 - Sydney, New South Wales - ANZ Stadium


  1. Return Of The Stingray Guitar
  2. Beautiful Day / Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (snippet)
  3. New Year's Day
  4. Get On Your Boots
  5. Magnificent
  6. Mysterious Ways
  7. Elevation / Creep (snippet)
  8. Until The End Of The World
  9. All I Want Is You / Need You Tonight (snippet) / Never Tear Us Apart (snippet) / Slide Away (snippet)
  10. Love Rescue Me
  11. Pride (In The Name Of Love)
  12. In A Little While
  13. Miss Sarajevo
  14. City Of Blinding Lights
  15. Vertigo / Teenage Kicks (snippet)
  16. I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight / Relax (snippet) / Two Tribes (snippet)
  17. Sunday Bloody Sunday
  18. Scarlet
  19. Walk On / You'll Never Walk Alone (snippet)

  20. encore(s):
  21. One
  22. Amazing Grace (snippet) / Where The Streets Have No Name / All You Need Is Love (snippet)
  23. Ultra Violet (Light My Way)
  24. With Or Without You
  25. Moment of Surrender
Performance notes: First performance of Love Rescue Me since 10 January 1990. 360° Tour debut of All I Want Is You; its last performance was on 9 December 2006. Thus the 360° Tour as a whole becomes the first tour since Zoo TV to feature four songs from Rattle And Hum (as Desire and Angel Of Harlem were played at previous gigs). In the afternoon before the gig, Bono appeared for a chat on Oprah Winfrey's show, filmed at the Sydney Opera House.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. All That You Can't Leave Behind (4)
  2. No Line On The Horizon (4)
  3. Achtung Baby (4)
  4. War (2)
  5. Rattle and Hum (2)
  6. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (2)
  7. The Joshua Tree (2)
  8. The Unforgettable Fire (1)
  9. Passengers (1)
  10. October (1)

best song performances

  1. All I Want Is You (4 votes)

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1 from California: cubfanet

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photos by unknown (19)

View entire set | added: 14 years ago | shot with camera: DMC-ZS7
  1. U2 in Sydney
  2. U2 in Sydney
  3. U2 in Sydney

photos by Georgie Johnson (19)

View entire set | added: 5 years ago
  1. Sydney 14th December 2010
  2. Sydney 14th December 2010
  3. Sydney 14th December 2010