1983-04-25 - College Park, Maryland - Ritchie Stadium


Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. War (6)
  2. October (5)
  3. Boy (5)

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review by DavidFM88

6 years ago


I really enjoyed seeing and hearing U2 perform. I had played the Boy album over and over as it was one of my favorites. Hearing it live was magical. I also liked the October album, but I don't think at the time of this performance I had purchased a copy of the War album yet.

During at least one song Bono had a large white flag on a long pole that he carried as he walked/danced/ran on the stage. He waved the flag in large sweeping motions. It was pretty cool.

I stood on the floor near the center of the stage about 30 feet away. For most of the performance I was focused on The Edge's guitar playing - not that I have ever touched a guitar in my life. It was almost hypnotic watching him play and then a fraction of a second hearing the wonderful notes through the huge speakers. I don't remember which song(s) it was but I swear at least once The Edge was playing a piano or electric keyboard at the same time he was playing his guitar, alternating one hand between the guitar and piano/keyboard while the other hand held strings against the guitar's fretboard.


This part is only rated, not commented on
Recording: Audience microphone - 3 stars


I was a student at the University of Maryland and attended this performance. The break in one of the songs was due to a fan from the audience jumping up onto the stage and then diving onto the audience. From the audience's perspective, this was at the left end of the stage. The fan was wearing a leather jacket and pointy boots. I knew this fan. His first name was Paul and he was an exchange student at the University of Maryland ironically from Ireland, rather short, and slightly cross-eyed.

During the performance a few times Bono helped a girl from the audience onto the stage, danced with her for a minute, and then escorted her toward the back of the stage. This happened maybe three or four times. At the time I guessed these girls waited on the tour bus for the performance to finish and then "party" with the band afterward. Years later I changed my guess from partying to studying the bible or something like that as I started noticing religious overtones to some of the songs and gathering biographical trivia that confirmed religion played an important part of the lives for the band members.

During the semester this performance at the University of Maryland occurred I was taking a music appreciation class. The instructor required students to complete two concert reviews but at least one review had to be for classical music. So one of my concert reviews was for this U2 performance. I no longer have the review I wrote nor remember the grade I received.


In the late afternoon easily 4 or 5 hours before the performance I was riding my yellow bicycle past Ritchie Coliseum on the way back to my dorm room (246-6 New Leonardtown) when I saw the band's tour bus was parked alongside Ritchie Coliseum. I think there was a second bus perhaps for the equipment and such; it is a little fuzzy now as this was a long time ago. There were two or three fans standing around hoping the guys in the band would come out and chat. It was a cool damp day. One fan was a girl that went to high school with me, 1 year younger, and her first name was Marla. I stayed and talked with Marla for a while also hoping to chat with the band. Marla had her vinyl LP records with her from October, Boy, and War. She wanted to get the records autographed. My records were at home so that wasn't an option for me. After maybe half an hour I gave up and went on my way. A week or two later Marla told me that soon after I left the band came out from the tour bus, chatted with her and the other fans, and autographed her three records! Very cool. Sadly I missed it.

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  • Equipment: Sony WM-D3 (Audio recording device), Exact Audio Copy EAC (Sound Editor), Wave Editor (Sound Editor)
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Audience microphone

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