1. thats a kewl pic

    i have to go now got things to do am little busy
    see you around need to go for a drive
    no music this afternoon
  2. Thanks for transcribing those pics Joyce! Well they do sound like something that could be dark lyrics for the new album...We've seen Bono get his new lyrics stuck in his head before, in interviews he tends to recite new lyrics, makes sense for him to make art pieces with them....anyhow, here's hoping this and the new instagram pic are signs that SOE is progressing

  3. Sleepless in Boston
  4. Reporting for duty:

  5. It's Popmart Bono!!!
  6. hehe, gotta love these fellas.
    (aren't those the glasses he wore during the gbhf video? they look very similar)
  7. ground beneath her feet

  8. Nice catch! The frames are definitely the same, but I think the lenses are different. It's really hard to tell with the different lighting though. It looks like the glasses from the video have blueish/grey lenses while the ones from the photo look brown/tan.
  9. I definitely prefer them to the ones he currently wears on stage, in any case the revo (?) ones also look much cooler.