1. Oh I wouldn't be surprised if bono did that repeatedly. I think saitama he blew past the count too.
  2. Exit is a sort of "aria di cavatina" after Bono changes his dress to turn into Mr. Shadow Man. So a long intro of the "orchestra" is good.. In 2017 he sometimes jumped on the scene, just like an operatic character. Fantastic.
  3. That Melbourne recording is awesome! The Singapore recordings also sound good but not as good as Melbourne. I hope someone got a great quality recording of Mumbai, India.
  4. Wow, thats great! Thank you Hoserama!
  5. Thank you very much hoserama
  6. Amazing work!
  7. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    Hmmm I would have swore it was super long in some other show I listened to on Mixlr. We even commented it on the forum. Must have been Saitama, Sydney or Perth. I'll try to dig it up

    I listened to a few Mixlr’s in the morning during the tour and it was common this tour to have the delayed intro.

    Thanks @Hoserama!

  8. Finally! The Japanese label Wardour is releasing both Japan shows on Silver CD. Could be new recordings idk.
  9. I bet they just stole the torrented auds.
  10. Stunning recording, takes me right back there to a show. Thanks Hoserama.
  11. December 4, 2019 Saitama 1 - Bad / Heroes (Snippet)