2024-03-02 - Las Vegas
Tour: U2:UV Achtung Baby at the Sphere
Songs played: 24
Audio recordings: 5
  1. I truthfully do not know the legalities of sharing the radio interview broadcasts I have personally recorded/traded for over the 30 years or so of collecting U2.

    There are so many here in my collection and they do need sharing if there was sufficient interest on this site. Some are as short as 10 minutes and others (like I posted in the photo in the Latest U2 News/Sightings part of the forum) are 2+ hours complete interviews and specials without edits as they went out on air. Lots of them!

    But I do understand that risking leaving these U2 X Radio recordings I made available to access could jeopardise the site and what it stands for. So the risk of the sharing outweighs the possible backlash and is not worth any repercussion.
  2. Originally posted by marik:[..]
    MY BAD, im the one that requested them. Didnt know it was crossing the line. Apologies. Totally undertsandable.

    Not your 'bad' at all. I posted them freely for folks here to access my links who could not 'tune in' to the broadcasts etc on the FREE trial.
  3. When is Larry's weekly show going to start?
  4. Can we all agree that Viviana from Whittier California had an absolutely outstanding episode of Desire earlier today? Even if those aren't your five favorite songs, the presentation was just excellent!

    Also, heard the promo for the Rocky O Riordan show a ton of times today.
  5. Still no live concerts or even any re-airings of Apollo right (since the first week)?
  6. I got picked for the Desire thing where I talk about 5 U2 songs 🥰🥰🥰
  7. I picked a bunch of live songs and they shot me down on that so I’ll have to do 5 studio songs :/
  8. Awesome!!!
  9. I kinda want to make a set list, rather than pick my 5 favs because that sounds way more fun. I feel like I have to close with 40
  10. I would love some feedback on what to do hahhaha I’m nervous/excited
  11. Let us know how it works and what your experience is like.
  12. Haha I think it's natural to be nervous. It's not live, right?