1. Someone had to do it. Bye bye Chaplin, you were a great opener but your contenders are way stronger

    10 - The Little Things That Give You Away (-)
    0 - The Blackout (-)
    6 - Love Is bigger Than Anything In It’s Way (+)
  2. Just apply one (-) from now until we have one song left standing
  3. 10 - The Little Things That Give You Away
    5 - Love Is bigger Than Anything In It’s Way (-)
  4. 10 - The Little Things That Give You Away
    4 - Love Is bigger Than Anything In It’s Way (-)

  5. "And off to u2start where there's been a vote but for who Chris Kamara?"

    "A dunno Jeff has there?"
  6. 10 - The Little Things That Give You Away
    3 - Love Is bigger Than Anything In It’s Way (-)
  7. 9 - The Little Things That Give You Away (-)
    3 - Love Is bigger Than Anything In It’s Way
  8. 9 - The Little Things That Give You Away
    2 - Love Is bigger Than Anything In It’s Way (-)
  9. 8 - The Little Things That Give You Away(-)
    2 - Love Is bigger Than Anything In It’s Way
  10. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    At first I thought "well, "aged" might be a bit excessive" and then I realized it's been TWO YEARS AND A DAMN HALF. Where has this time gone?!?!?!

    I know right?! It’s just every time I click on the album, I look at the track list and have no desire to listen at all. SOI was miles better imo. And I know there are a lot of fans that feel opposite, which is awesome.
  11. 8 - The Little Things That Give You Away
    1 - Love Is bigger Than Anything In It’s Way(-)
  12. 8 - The Little Things That Give You Away
    1 - Love Is bigger Than Anything In It’s Way(-)