1. Originally posted by Hansav:Regarding autotune on SoE - it's not like they used it for a cheerful pop song! It's perfect for what they were trying to achieve with Love Is All We Have Left, which Bono described at one point as "Frank Sinatra singing on the moon"
    bro that thing of Love Is All we Have Left was weird, but cool, great example

  2. My U2 Funko Pop figures have arrived!
  3. Those Funko Pops remind me of the Macnas performances as an opening act in the summer of 1993. Great memories.

    They are nicely done, congrats Amlbono, to your four new roommates!
  4. @amlbono you weren't tempted to get Bono in the car as well? I think that's the coolest of them all and the one I want most.
  5. The Adam figure is really lacking a cigarette in his mouth.
  6. Either I’m wrong or people here are confused but auto tune is just changing the pitch of the voice so it’s on key. Nowadays you can’t tell if someone is using auto tune. The vocal effects on Love is all We have Left and Sleep like a Baby aren’t auto tune- they’re just vocal effects. Autotune is usually only a big deal when an artist sounds amazing on record and not much of a singer live since they can’t sing to pitch
  7. Originally posted by Monopoly:Either I’m wrong or people here are confused but auto tune is just changing the pitch of the voice so it’s on key. Nowadays you can’t tell if someone is using auto tune. The vocal effects on Love is all We have Left and Sleep like a Baby aren’t auto tune- they’re just vocal effects. Autotune is usually only a big deal when an artist sounds amazing on record and not much of a singer live since they can’t sing to pitch
    But you can autotune to let the voice sound like that, correct?
    The first popular example is Cher's If you believe, I think.
  8. Originally posted by Monopoly:Either I’m wrong or people here are confused but auto tune is just changing the pitch of the voice so it’s on key. Nowadays you can’t tell if someone is using auto tune. The vocal effects on Love is all We have Left and Sleep like a Baby aren’t auto tune- they’re just vocal effects. Autotune is usually only a big deal when an artist sounds amazing on record and not much of a singer live since they can’t sing to pitch
    Auto Tune for many songs is what you are saying. Just pitch correction. But when you turn it up to an unthinkable level, where you can't hear the vocalist, and it sounds like a robot singing, then it is horrible. I hate picking on modern R&B, but there are literally tons of songs where you can't tell who the artist is. Many of them sound exactly the same. Somebody baited me with an auto tune topic, but it was a great idea, since this is off topic here, since there really is a lot of U2 news what with Songs Of Re-Recordings, Bono's book, his "Little Tour," and concerns of ticket scalping, and Bono saying Songs Of Ascent is almost done, but he wants to do an uncompromising Rock Album, whatever that means. I'm sure we will have 3 new U2 albums by 2055!
  9. my god I love sleep like a baby, imagine that U2 released 3 albums for all their audience: song's of ascent, rock n roll album and an experimental one, paradise at its best