1. I like the full band version. I LOVE how Achtung Babies do it.

    Full band.

    It's an electric song strangled by a soundalike Adele piano intro when attempted live by the two. And Bono sounds like he's got a cold everytime he tries it live.

    *hands Bono some Sudafed, a box of green herbal tea*
  2. This is such a hard situation because it's not like the band doesn't have any amazing performances of it. Not only are there great acoustic full-band performances, but there are also some great electric performances.

    It's just... why do they insist on doing it as a duet?
  3. I haven't heard any great version of it live from U2 yet.

  4. I swear they did it electric too, but I can't find a version, so I stand corrected there.
  5. They haven't played it full band electric yet, not in 2010 (it was Bono and Edge only too, although on guitar) and definitely not in 2014 either.
  6. Yes the EMAs version is superior, as is the new radio mix... BUT I heard the streams from Montreal and you guys had me all worried because you kept talking about how much it sucked...but it doesn't thankfully! This is the one song I had been avoiding because I needed to hear it live. My mom said being there and hearing it was amazing.
  7. It doesn't suck. Stuck sucks EBW just would be miles better if played full band and electric, that's all. Otherwise it's just a missed chance.

  8. This is pretty much the best way to describe it. I'm in love with the song and both times I saw it live I was moved by the performance. But knowing that the band has performed it to the degree to which they have tugs at you a bit.
  9. The EMA's version would be impossible to play it like that every night... Bono's voice wouldn't last much.

    The studio version is great but it brings a whole different atmosphere, it feels like two different songs (in a Numb/Down All The Days style), I like it even better but it wouldn't fit with what they're trying to do now.

    It would be a lot better if Larry and Adam joined for the end of the song, but I'm not sure how it would work logistically for the start of Bullet.

    In LA5 -ironically thanks to the e-stage piano malfunction- Edge played it from the i-stage, hopefully they could work something out for it to take it up a notch.
  10. Originally posted by LikeASong:It doesn't suck. Stuck sucks EBW just would be miles better if played full band and electric, that's all. Otherwise it's just a missed chance.
    AND don't tell jokes right before the song...

  11. Totally disagreed.

    He's straining his voice a LOT now already.
    Actually, he might spare his voice a bit when it's full band. Now he just HAS to belt it out because it's just him and a piano. Full band, Larry and Adam might cover some things up.
  12. I think Bono feels like EBW is his song that he has to carry.