1. I'd completely forgotten about this song until I just whacked on the Rose Bowl DVD lol - only got it via. Amazon last week, now sitting down to watch it after coming back from Glasto. Sounding good so far
  2. Any chance they play it in New York? Guess not

    I know, they're playing The omfg Fly instead, but Mag still is one of my favs, just like The Fly...
  3. RIP Magnificent </3 ahaha @Aiden I really like it too but i didn't notice it was missing at Anaheim 2 til days later
  4. It kind of amuses me that this was the one song just about everyone seemed to love when NLOTH was released (though I hated it) and now people seem to be realising that it's not that special after all (and I still dislike it, though the live version is better).
  5. I absolutely agree with you. I didn't really like it at first, and the live never worked for me, even the remix. I'm glad U2 finally stopped trying, it was hurting me to see them fail for 2 consecutive years.

    It's a bit the same with Breathe, to me. I never really liked it, and the live never really worked for me. I'm glad it's gone too.

    In the end, if U2 failed to have Magnificent be really good, maybe it's the song that's the problem, and not the band...
  6. I didn't even notice they stopped playing apart from Glastonbury. Was never a favourite of mine really and it didn't translate at all live apart from the lights for the opening. On the Rose Bowl DVD, the first time I saw it when Magnificent started and it shows the enormity of the stage I got goosebumps. But that was the stage rather than the song.
  7. Magnificent was my favorite on NLOTH when NLOTH was new to me, but it doesn't age well. I think it's the worst song on the album now.
  8. magnificent,better by design.
  9. I liked it the first time I heard it. I still like it. On the top half of the songs on the album for me
  10. I mainly really like it on the Rose Bowl Dvd still the intro looks AMAZING. After that its all dull imo...
  11. A good friend of mine likes it, one of the few U2 songs he likes. We always sing it when we're drinking XD
  12. Intro does it for me. Those huge swells. After that it never really goes anywhere but honestly it's worth that alone. Also, one of the Milan bootlegs from 360 has a literally ear-mazing version of it. Crowd carries the band.