1. No . If they were playing in NYC, Boston and or Philly in July, I would have gone . My U2 gigs worked out (LI,NJ and MSG 3) as I will be in town then for many weeks.

    Labor Day weekend I will be with my family/friends in the Florida Keys so thats that.

    Seattle was definitely an option (still is) but N1 falls on my birthday (Aug 8) , and I have plans to be in Marco Island then with family and friends . So the few dates haven't worked for me.

    Actually Im surprised they are playing Boston and Chicago again and not playing Yankee Stadium (which was a huge rumor) and Dodger Stadium (another huge rumor) .

    Im content with Rome though.
  2. Originally posted by EDDMB:[..]
    Well ,are you saying you can only do 2 shows ? Either Barcelona and Rome and or Milan and Rome ? If you can, go to Barcelona and Rome, go to those 2 great cities . BUT , Milan and Rome is also a great choice as PJ just love Italy so the gigs there might be a notch up. I loved my time in Milan. Not an easy choice Im sure.

    From past concert experiences in Milan and Barcelona, I'd say its a must to see a gigs there . PJ have a love affair with Italy (as does U2), as their gigs are always fantastic . Plus IMO the audiences are the BEST in the world and the food and wine are insane..as are the sights etc.

    BUT , Milan is also an amazing city, as Ive been there before and the fans , food and WINE are also amazing..same though with Barcelona and Rome lol.

    On my trip I'll be in Barcelona first (then France and down the Italian coast) .

    If the flights are not reasonable to Madrid , just do Italy . Up to you of course .
    I'm definitely doing Padova and Rome, they're settled. It was whether I decided to do Milan for an extra day and see them there on top of the two Italian dates I already decided to do. I'm actually flying into Milan on the 23rd then heading to Padova the next day.

    I'm already doing Madrid, I've booked the festival ticket. The return to and from Edinburgh is so expensive and it could technically work out cheaper to just do Barcelona on top of Madrid. That means NINE European gigs this summer.
  3. Sorry to step in for a minute I've convinced two good friends to come to the PJ day of the MadCool festival, and they've asked me to make a best-of/most-likely-to-get-played list for them. I've made a list of 20, which songs would you remove and which would you add? Keep in mind these are not my personal favs, just the ones I think are most likely to make it into a summer festival.

    Even Flow
    Better Man
    Hail Hail
    Mind Your Manners
    Given to Fly
    Elderly Woman
    State of Love and Trust
    Yellow Ledbetter
    Lightning Bolt
    Spin the Black Circle

    Of course you never know with PJ and they could play a set full of rarities and obscure b-sides...

    ...I'd be ok with that as long as they play Breath
  4. Do the Evolution and Animal are pretty big songs early in the set to get a festival crowd up and going
  5. DTE has been played at all six PJ shows I've attended. It's a must for your playlist (as is Animal).

    Why Go gets played quite often, too.

    They may or may not play it, but it's nice to sing along to Present Tense when it gets performed.
  6. Wishlist and Last Kiss could be played for the casuals..especially Last Kiss . Your list is pretty accurate for that type of show , so don't get your hopes up for Dirty Frank lol.

    Nothingman though could make an appearance , as its a great sing-a-long , and if you are lucky the epic Release could also be played .
  7. ...and don't forget Immortality...and Last Exit...and I Got Id....and In My Tree...and Brain of J...and ... !!!!
  8. I gave up on making Pearl Jam lists. Lol. It’s just impossible for me.
  9. Originally posted by EDDMB:Wishlist and Last Kiss could be played for the casuals..especially Last Kiss . Your list is pretty accurate for that type of show , so don't get your hopes up for Dirty Frank lol.

    Nothingman though could make an appearance , as its a great sing-a-long , and if you are lucky the epic Release could also be played .
    Both Nothingman and Release are personal favs of mine but I don't have high hopes of hearing it at my first PJ show, even more so being a festival set in a city they haven't played for 12 years! Couldn't care less about Last Kiss tho
  10. Couldn't remember about Animal but you're def right about DTE, totally forgot about it. I will add it to the list even if it's not among my favs!
  11. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    Both Nothingman and Release are personal favs of mine but I don't have high hopes of hearing it at my first PJ show, even more so being a festival set in a city they haven't played for 12 years! Couldn't care less about Last Kiss tho

    You’re first pj show!!! Holy shit. That is awesome.
  12. I’ve lost count lol