1. The interview is worth a watch alright. Starts out fairly winky wanky as is Zane Lowe’s won’t, but it’s worth sticking with.
  2. Originally posted by TheRefugee:The interview is worth a watch alright. Starts out fairly winky wanky as is Zane Lowe’s won’t, but it’s worth sticking with.

    winky wanky LOL
  3. I admit, Zane questions and personality are hard to sit through. But apparently Bono likes him to keep doing interviews
  4. That's been the best interview regarding SoS etc. that they've done for some time. Everyone has their opinion
  5. Zane is coming into his own. He has matured plenty.
  6. What was the name Bono said when talking about the inspiration of Bad? It sure wasn't Andy Rowen.
  7. I think the album is a breath of fresh air. I can see myself putting it on when the rain is coming down, or when I have company over. The songs take on a different personality in this busking format, there’s a beautiful intimacy. And I have no clue what everyone is talking about when it comes to Bono’s voice. His dynamics on this album are fantastic and his falsetto is used more often than it has on the last four albums combined. I think he sounds incredible, especially on Stuck and Sometimes. All this negativity is absolutely beyond me, this is a lovely companion piece to their catalog

  8. Maybe… to each their own. Not my cup of tea.

    Only two tracks I feel I would revisit are Lights of Home and Two Hearts (U2 needs more lead vocals from The Edge).
  9. Originally posted by justinpushplay:I think the album is a breath of fresh air. I can see myself putting it on when the rain is coming down, or when I have company over. The songs take on a different personality in this busking format, there’s a beautiful intimacy. And I have no clue what everyone is talking about when it comes to Bono’s voice. His dynamics on this album are fantastic and his falsetto is used more often than it has on the last four albums combined. I think he sounds incredible, especially on Stuck and Sometimes. All this negativity is absolutely beyond me, this is a lovely companion piece to their catalog
    Spot on. He's singing to his strengths and abilities now. May not be the same as 92 or 93 Bono, but he still has a good range and he's unlocked a new style/feel with how he's singing now- not pushing and straining. Like I've posted before, this collection is perfect for a relaxing or chill mood. And it certainly hasn't tarnished or ruined their legacy. Their catalog is still intact. The interview with Zane Lowe just reinforced that for me.
  10. Guckpants Delaney? I could be wrong
  11. I listened to the album high(still am) on my 2nd run. Different experience. I feel U2 is near their end and I get melancholy vibes with SFB, SYCMIOYO, LOH, BD. It feels like it's a goodbye or something or the calm before the storm meaning the next album could be their Swan song.