2005-04-01 - Anaheim, California - Arrowhead Pond

şarkı listesi

Performance notes: Bono was late to the soundcheck, so for the first couple of takes of Mysterious Ways, his vocals from ZOO TV Sydney are used. He shows up in time for the third take and duets with himself.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

Hangi albümden kaç şarkı

  1. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (7)
  2. The Joshua Tree (4)
  3. Achtung Baby (4)
  4. War (3)
  5. All That You Can't Leave Behind (2)
  6. The Unforgettable Fire (1)

Hangi gösterilere gittiğinizi ve hangi gösterilere gideceğinizi bilmek isteriz. Bu sayfada hangi üyelerin bu gösteriye gittiğini veya gideceğini görebilirsiniz. Buradan bazı üyelere gösteriyle ilgili konuşmak veya görüşmek için özel mesaj atabilirsiniz.

katılanları göster: 28

California dan/den 13 kullanıcı:
Document, Flowerdiva, Gman68, KenL, PopMattt, Wreckage, afwings, arsenal65, fieryern, hoserama, mrsdobbler, mtnfox, pinman78

Mexico den/dan 3: U2DMacotela, boeing777, yutero
United Kingdom den/dan 1: zaqarya
Oklahoma den/dan 1: mrpoptop
Colorado den/dan 1: Jenwins317
Idaho den/dan 1: BradF
Nevada den/dan 1: dghickey
Wisconsin den/dan 1: Przybylinski
Netherlands den/dan 1: BigGiRL
Pennsylvania den/dan 1: u2scubagirl
Kenya den/dan 1: SlammerKenya
Germany den/dan 1: CElevate
Texas den/dan 1: corvettemike

yorumu yapan lustardo

6 yıl önce


Very good despite the technical issues. The closing was very strange. Thought they were going to play an encore.


Well is a bootleg.
Kayıt: "AT831 - SONY PCM-M1" - 4.5 yıldız


Not as I expected. People where very cold in my opinion.


The show was brilliant; we were standing for one hour straight after the guys came out with their flashlights. The Edge is amazing, how he carries the bands sound across. Bono… cool as always. Adam and Larry as professional as can be.

The ONE campaign, the cell phones lights all around the stadium and the girl that Bono invited onstage during mysterious ways were the highlights for me as well as Larry’s drumming at the edge of the circle, but most of all the moving Running to Stand Still which I’ve always considered one of their best songs.

As I experienced many years ago when I first saw them, that sense of a religious experience, and spirituality was present again, this is something you have to feel in order to understand it.
Now my wife and I feel sad when we play their songs, whishing we could see them again.

katılanlardan gelen yorumlar

Göster toplam  
lustardo Devamını oku

tüm yorumlar

Göster toplam  
RDB92 Devamını oku
KieranU2 Devamını oku
patou2 Devamını oku
Erikvloedgraven Devamını oku
Bullet_Blue Devamını oku
lustardo Devamını oku

Ses sayfamıza hoşgeldiniz. Bu sayfada, bu gösterinin yitimli (MP3) ve bazen yitimsiz (çoğunlukla FLAC) ses kayıtlarını (bootleg olarak da bilinen) da indirebilirsiniz. Mevcut kayıtlar, kayıt tipine ve kalitesine göre sınıflandırılmıştır.

  • Mevcut kayıtlar: 1
  • İndirilenleri göster: 1033

bizi destekleyin

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Download soundchecks for this show:

"AT831 - SONY PCM-M1"

  • Menşei: Audience microphone
  • Dizin: Edgar (Audio Taper)
  • Donanım: Sony PCM-M1 (Audio recording device), AT831 (Microphone), SP-SPSB-2 (Power supply)
  • Satır: [digital master] > [...] > Emagic emi 2/6 > Soundforge > CDwave > mkw > .shn > TLH > .wav > Frontend FLAC > .flac [ > fre:ac > mp3]
  • Değerlendirmelere göre kalite:
  • İndirilenler: 979
bilgi dosyası görüntüle

Ses / MP3

Bit oranı: 320, bit derinliği: 16, örnek oran: 44100, kanallar: 2
Mega.nz yoluyla indir!

Ses / FLAC

Bit derinliği: 16, örnek oran: 44100, kanallar: 2
Mega.nz yoluyla indir!
Ses örnekleri

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  1. U2 in Ahaheim
  2. U2 in Ahaheim
  3. U2 in Ahaheim
  4. U2 in Ahaheim
  5. U2 in Ahaheim
  6. U2 in Ahaheim
  7. U2 in Ahaheim
  8. U2 in Ahaheim
  9. U2 in Ahaheim
  10. U2 in Ahaheim
  11. U2 in Ahaheim
  12. U2 in Ahaheim