1992-03-21 - Albany, New York - Knickerbocker Arena


Notes de la performance: Bono sings an additional verse at the end of One, but it shares neither lyrics nor vocal style with the usual live verse Hear Us Coming.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

chansons par album

  1. Achtung Baby (10)
  2. The Joshua Tree (5)
  3. Rattle and Hum (2)
  4. The Unforgettable Fire (2)

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Participants au concert: 19

7 utilisateurs de New York:
88stillhere, EDDMB, Frmertedd428, Woofgeed, boyo3221, tduffyjason, tsnafus

3 de Massachusetts: Publius, Sloan15, kevins2u
2 de Maryland: bridonohue, fanclubber
2 de New Jersey: efisher99, viridian1
1 de Georgia: dscrapj
1 de California: hagedorn77
1 de Connecticut: numda01
1 de Pennsylvania: afansince83

revue par carbide

il y a 3 années


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Enregistrement: Audience microphone - 3 étoiles


Cette partie est seulement évaluée, pas commentée


21/3/1992 - Albany, New York - This review has heavy spoilers
Well this one was a mess. The show starts off very sloppily as technical issues and instrumental errors completely plague the first three songs - the droning sound in Zoo Station is completely absent, as are the extra guitar parts played between the main riff, and Bono messes up a good few times. Would I consider this version a trainwreck? Absolutely. Larry forgets what song is next as he plays the opening drum part to Even Better than the Real Thing instead of The Fly, sending everyone into a confused frenzy for a moment. To wrap things off with the first three songs having sloppy moments, the guitar continuously cuts in and out during the first verse of Even Better than the Real Thing. From here, sloppy moments still show up, albeit they’re less common. Another Hear Us Coming snippet variant on One is heard here, we’re getting quite close to the final version of the snippet now but it still needs tweaking to sound like the usual Zoo TV version of the snippet. Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, despite being incredibly sloppy as expected from this show, is the first ever show to feature both B4s on the performance, as well as a surprisingly good guitar solo considering the state of the show so far. Bad is great here, as is the Joshua Tree Suite. A standard encore ends spectacularly with a jaw dropping Love is Blindness solo - I’m still yet to be disappointed by his solos on that song. The rest of the show is just okay though - nothing really stood out much to me here. I have one thing to say about the earlier Zoo TV setlists - I find the placing of I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For in these shows to really drag out the main set, by the time it comes on I usually at least partly want the main set to have ended at this point, but it just adds minutes, making the final stretch of the main set quite tiring sometimes. Overall, despite some great moments, this is a very messy show, even if it wasn’t entirely the band’s fault. It makes for maybe the worst Zoo show I’ve heard as of now.

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