Performance notes: Bono sings an additional verse at the end of One, but it does not quite resemble the usual live verse Hear Us Coming. Before it, he dedicates the song to David Wojnarowicz. Setlist and comment provided by
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This part is only rated, not commented on Recording: Audience microphone - 3 stars
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20/3/1992 - New York, New York - This review has spoilers
I’d say this show is where you can 100% see that they know what they’re doing with this tour from back to front. They know what to play, how to play it, the only two songs I think they haven’t 100% mastered at this point are Bullet The Blue Sky and Running To Stand Still, which still need tweaking in places, mainly from Bono and Edge. Aside from that, they really have everything mapped out from here onwards. Mysterious Ways has an absolutely superb vocal improv in the outro, One finally has something resembling the iconic Hear us Coming verse at the end. Bono’s voice is pretty weak in a few places, however he makes up for it with two incredible moments that come to mind. Firstly, this is the first show where he gets the B4 on Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, which he nails, and it sounds absolutely amazing. Secondly, he does an over 10 second sustain on Where The Streets Have No Name out of nowhere, which COMPLETELY took me by surprise. It’s an incredible moment, and one of the highlights from the night for me. The band are on top form again, slightly changing things up for Bullet the Blue Sky and Love is Blindness having another incredible solo, which is the usual for Zoo TV at this point. Generally this is another fantastic Zoo TV show that I thoroughly enjoyed, despite having a few weak moments.
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