1992-08-13 - East Rutherford, New Jersey - Giants Stadium

şarkı listesi

Performance notes: At this show, New Year's Day replaces Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses as the song into which Until The End Of The World segues.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

Hangi albümden kaç şarkı

  1. Achtung Baby (8)
  2. The Joshua Tree (5)
  3. Rattle and Hum (4)
  4. War (2)
  5. The Unforgettable Fire (1)

en iyi şarkı performansları

  1. Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World (3 oylar)

Hangi gösterilere gittiğinizi ve hangi gösterilere gideceğinizi bilmek isteriz. Bu sayfada hangi üyelerin bu gösteriye gittiğini veya gideceğini görebilirsiniz. Buradan bazı üyelere gösteriyle ilgili konuşmak veya görüşmek için özel mesaj atabilirsiniz.

katılanları göster: 25

New York dan/den 9 kullanıcı:
88stillhere, DProfesa, Goofyclowndog, Penelope, darkeststar29, phil_lebo, rossman, ymalkiel, zookeeper92

New Jersey den/dan 4: DavePoptart, TommyNJ36, ackirl, btoal
Maryland den/dan 2: bridonohue, zootv1992
Pennsylvania den/dan 2: Steelers, raybear0801
Germany den/dan 1: WilliamBlake4U2
Colorado den/dan 1: elevation1975
New Hampshire den/dan 1: teambud33
Louisiana den/dan 1: fragrant
Connecticut den/dan 1: numda01
North Carolina den/dan 1: crschwei
California den/dan 1: anstratdubh1979

yorumu yapan deanallison

2 yıl önce


You can tell it’s near the start of a new leg. A few hiccups here and there. The start of the show is solid enough, New Years Day is the first song where they are winging it a bit, just about get to the end without a disaster. Bono seems irate throughout Angel Of Harlem which takes the shine of the performance somewhat and this seems to carry on to the beginning of when love comes to town. ISHFWILF and All I want is you are very stripped back performances, there is an appeal to that in some ways but at the same time also feels like there’s something lacking. The RTSS transition into streets seems a bit off to begin with during Bono’s harmonica part but they figure it out and avoid any major issues. The transition from the MLK speech in pride back into the band playing is a bit off too but again they sort of ride it out. WOWY and Love Is Blindness at least end things on a strong note, Edge playing a blinder on both as he did for the vast majority of the tour.


Enjoyed this recording quality. Not better than a 4 compared to others on the site but very listenable so no complaints.
Kayıt: Soundboard - 4.5 yıldız


It might just be the recording but seemed a less enthusiastic crowd than usual even in the bits the crowd would normally still come through on a soundboard they were pretty quiet.


It’s certainly not a bad show, the AB tracks are strong and the negative aspects only make up a minority of the show. There’s plenty missing though in comparison to the classic zoo tv shows and a few songs are only decent/good performances rather than great.

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Ses sayfamıza hoşgeldiniz. Bu sayfada, bu gösterinin yitimli (MP3) ve bazen yitimsiz (çoğunlukla FLAC) ses kayıtlarını (bootleg olarak da bilinen) da indirebilirsiniz. Mevcut kayıtlar, kayıt tipine ve kalitesine göre sınıflandırılmıştır.

  • Mevcut kayıtlar: 1
  • İndirilenleri göster: 2140

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  • Menşei: Audience microphone, Soundboard
  • Dizin: Steve Hendrix (Audio Taper), Steve Hendrix (Matrix Creator), Jason (Remasterer), Jason Engel (Remasterer)
  • Donanım: Harbal (Sound Editor), Steinberg Mastering Edition (Audio interface), Sonic BBE (Audio interface), Waves Diamond (Sound Editor)
  • Satır: Source I: SBD, CDR "Bright Lights, Big City Remastered".Source II: AUD, Steve Hendrix DAT Master. Matrix:Pre-treating both sources > matrix > Steinberg ME > Sonic BBE > Har-Bal EQ > Waves Diamond > TLH > FLAC (6) > MP3 (Lame, 192kbps)Soundboard recording:CDR -> EAC(secure) -> dbPoweramp (SHN)Audience recording:Audio Technica Lavalier Mics > Sony TCD-3 DAT > DAT Master tape > Sony 600 > Pioneer stand-alone CDR burner > CDR Master > EAC secure (WAV) > Soundforge 8 (edits) > CD Wave (tracking) > Trader's Little Helper (FLAC)
  • Değerlendirmelere göre kalite:
  • İndirilenler: 1929
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Ses / MP3

Bit oranı: 192, bit derinliği: 16, örnek oran: 44100, kanallar: 2
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