2018-10-23 - London
Tournée: Experience and Innocence tour
Morceaux joués: 24
Enregistrement audio: 3
Vidéos: 1
  1. I had nothing to do with that video, hopefully I didn't confuse anyone. I just found it on YouTube and posted here.
  2. Originally posted by Sydney_MIke:Completely satisfied with my decision to fly from Sydney to London for this tour. New songs like Blackout and Love is Bigger were brilliant and may endure. Old songs like Gloria and I Will Follow brought energy and are timeless. The new arrangement for New Year’s day with the stronger bass line is awesome. While Acrobat and Wild Horse are welcome rarities.

    So many AB songs made me realise that it’s 25 years next month since they recorded Zoo-Tv in my home city. What a night that was!

  3. Argh, madness! Fail on my part, I didn't get around to drop you all a line here and see what was occurring, had to dash straight from work to get to the O2 and somehow managed to wangle my way to near the head of the queue.
  4. Originally posted by Edi:Great 2 shows, both better than Paris1 and Paris2.

    London 1 was the peak for me...GLORIA and first time for a long time deserting The Fly, Zoo Station, Stay (it was deep). Acrobat is a total triumph.

    Mini-highlight at London2 when the girl in front had a sign saying Spanish so at the start of Vertigo Bono came right over with the mike and said...'you speak Spanish?' & passed it to her for the first Uno-dos-tre catorze(or however you spell it!)

    The new songs are working really well...even some that were pretty lame last year.

    We chose the exact same spot for both nights since it was so good...8pm E-stage, 2 back.

    U2 are pretty much firing on all cylinders, they are on form, they look happy, they are bringing this tour/phase/sequence/story to a dramatic climax....roll on Berlin 2.5 !
    Great review, thanks He's been doing the Vertigo thing for a while, I hope to have the chance in Dublin
  5. Originally posted by Sydney_MIke:Completely satisfied with my decision to fly from Sydney to London for this tour. New songs like Blackout and Love is Bigger were brilliant and may endure. Old songs like Gloria and I Will Follow brought energy and are timeless. The new arrangement for New Year’s day with the stronger baseline is awesome. While Acrobat and Wild Horse are welcome rarities.

    So many AB songs made me realise that it’s 25 years next month since they recorded Zoo-Tv in my home city. What a night that was!

    Really glad it worked out for you coming over all this way!
    (I am lucky only to have 5 stops on the train.)