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Music, travel, Architecture. photograpy
15 лет назад
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любимый тур: U2 360° Tour
"Unfortunately I couldn't attend the zoo tv tour, but the 360 ​​tour was amazing, the stage was a huge monster, the greatest tour I have ever seen!"
с любимыми концертами: 2009-10-25 - Pasadena
"The energy of that show was amazing! You could feel a lot of energy that night! You could feel a lot of power in the band and in the audience! Everyone was very excited that night!"
любимый альбом: Achtung Baby
"Masterpiece! The album that changed everything U2's greatest album!"
любимая песня: Kite
"I love the lyrics! Who's to say where the wind will take you Who's to know what it is will break you I don't know which way the wind will blow Who's to know when the time has come around Don't wanna see you cry I know that this is not goodbye Love it!"

о yutero
I'm a big U2 fan!