2018-08-31 - Berlin
Tour: Experience and Innocence tour
Songs played: 25
Audio recordings: 2
Videos: 1

  1. The Experience and Innocence tour will hit Berlin, Germany.
    This topic is for all discussions pre, during and post-show!

    2018-08-31 - Berlin, Germany - Mercedes Benz Arena
    2018-09-01 - Berlin, Germany - Mercedes Benz Arena

    Will you be at any of the E+I shows? Click on the date, and then add yourself to the list of attendees.

    Coverage from U2start
    We will be there as well represented by some crew members, and we'll provide you extensive coverage via Twitter and Instagram mainly, with some bigger updates through our Facebook. Make sure to follow us where you can

    Other relevant topics
    We have a topic dedicated to the tour in general, with spoilers.
    And a general tour topic, spoiler free.
  2. I won't be there but I hope y'all in Berlin have an exciting setlist and an exceptional time like on the video from the Apollo I just watched!
  3. Night 1 and fearful they start Europe with the leg 1 setlist.
  4. Here we go! (Ok still a while away atm)

    Excited to see everyone again.
  5. Look at that 19:30 start time for UK. No need to stay up all night haha
  6. Same here, they could drop Vertigo elevation pride for discotheque, Mofo and Gone
  7. I wouldn’t fear the leg 1 setlist at all, can’t wait. I’m expecting the same- All Because night 1 and Gloria night 2... secretly hoping for Red Flag though. All good and can not wait.
  8. The gap between each leg has only just dawned on me. Two whole months.
  9. I'll be at both Berlin shows arriving on Thursday. I think I check out the venue that night to see if anything is going on there.
    Looking forward to it.
  10. I'll be there too
    for both shows

    I really enjoyed the city back in 2015 so I decided to get back for some days
  11. seeing the thread for your first show of the tour come up always adds to the excitement I'll be there both nights!