1. there is another unreleased song called All My Life. It has been recorded on one of those famous beach clips that everyone likes.


    I believe this could be the new "big" U2 song. It has got a catchy chorus which has been stuck in my head ever since I first listened to it. I just hope it is not a part of the Spider-man musical. Should be on a U2 record. What do you guys think?
  2. beach clips

    will have a listen soon...
  3. Would be surprised if it took them longer than 4 seconds to write it. Worst of those clips. Even worse than Window in the Skies.

    But I'm glad there's another beach clip topic. Especially about 4 year old songs.

  4. I don't hate them, not at all it's just a running joke around here I actually listened to the BC myself when they surfaced. No hard feelings
  5. just gave it a listen.... sounds a bit like "mainstream pop" to me..... clearly unfinished as recorded at the time.... I like the melody of it, though.... well, apart from the chorus somehow. can't make much of the lyrics.
  6. I sort of dig the guitar bit... but the rest of it is uhm....... rather dull.
  7. I really dont think this clip deserves a whole topic to itself...
  8. this song was later transformed into crazy tonight. love the solo.