1. Dec 13th was supposed to be my show. Wife basically said I’m not going. I’m so bitter I could puke!!!
  2. Wow so much for keeping your partner happy and having a healthy marriage

    Nothing rhymes with husband, so there ya go! 😉
  4. Better see your band
    than staying a husband.
  5. GENIUS!! Nah these shows are off the table for me.

    I’d like to think if they announce more shows for 2024 I could go to that, but wife has a big Disney trip planned for next summer so she’ll probably veto me going to Vegas next spring as well.
  6. Boycott the Disney trip
  7. I need one ticket for dec 13TH just in case you want to sell . thank you
  8. I'm going down that road... my wife's not thrilled about me going, but this one was non-negotiable... she was welcome to join. LOL
  9. Unfortunately that’s already been taken care of, sorry!!
  10. Originally posted by blueeyedboy:[..]
    I'm going down that road... my wife's not thrilled about me going, but this one was non-negotiable... she was welcome to join. LOL
    I should’ve done that. My 2 other U2 buddies are in the same boat as me, wives won’t let them go. So even if I stood my ground, not sure about going to Vegas by myself. People would think I was weird for doing that.