U2's cancelled shows: the why & when's
U2 played many shows and rarely did shows get cancelled. Still they did happen, with a notable 3 cancellatio..
  1. Link from Drudge goes to USA Today. Which is better than the Washington Post, I suppose... but in theory if Drudge links to USA today and you should avoid Drudge, wouldn't that also mean you should avoid USA Today?

  2. Ed Sheeran also cancelled

  3. Originally posted by blueeyedboy:[..]
    Link from Drudge goes to USA Today. Which is better than the Washington Post, I suppose... but in theory if Drudge links to USA today and you should avoid Drudge, wouldn't that also mean you should avoid USA Today?

    [YouTube Video]
    I don't want to give support (revenue) to Drudge.
  4. It was not. But no idea how many tickets were sold.

  5. Hard to tell when a trial will end or a verdict will come down... and really hard to read the behaviors of people.

    I'm sure security planning was more than adequate at the time the show was booked. No one could tell at the time people would lay siege to the mayors home the day of the U2 show!

    I'm sure the security detail that was scheduled to work U2 show would have much rather been doing just that rather than being reassigned to rocks thrown at them...
  6. None of the shows in the United States from this leg are sold out.