1. I was there. My second opening night after Lakeland in 92. Remember thinking it was a technical glitch when they walked out with the house lights on. Then remember thinking the tour was over when Bono fell off the cat walk during UTEOTW. Overall it was amazing night. Felt they played well and was fun to see so much excitement for them again.
    Thought a few nights later I was at Atlanta and it was even better gig. Met Daniel Lanois in the heart and he actually talked to me and my friend which was cool. Answered our dumb fan questions
  2. Elevation tour is one of my favorite tours & eras in general. Opening with the house lights on and the more conventional stage was a great way to show that at the end of the day they're still 4 people who just love to play music together in front of an audience and provide the best live experience. I also love Bono's voice in this tour.
  3. and obviously the tour & the album took a whole new meaning eventually..
  4. I never noticed Bono doing the solo at the end of Gone, he even does it on the Boston film and I never saw it lol
  5. theres a solo in bad? i think that's just "another part" lol
  6. Yep a tour about the music and not the visuals,that is why this tour was so amazingly good.
  7. Was it really 20 years ago when I stayed up to watch a dodgy webcast of South Bend, courtesy of Tiscali and my dial up internet kept dropping out πŸ˜‚πŸ‘
  8. Dabbled in some Elevation shows and youtube recently. I'm surprised how often I do this as very few shows standout on my all time favourite recordings/shows list.

    If Streets wasn't as godly as it was then I don't think I would revisit 2001 with any frequency whatsoever. The staging remains masterful. The houselights start, the warm lighting versus any real colour, lack of reliance on screens. They absolutely nailed the brief 100% in making big shows intimate in a way they haven't been able to replicate in 2005/15/18.

    Elevation from this footage shows it best. Clearly an arena in the house lights but it's an out and out club gig as soon as the lights go out. Flick forward for a god tier Streets intro as well.

  9. That was a great Streets
  10. Originally posted by zooropa93:Was it really 20 years ago when I stayed up to watch a dodgy webcast of South Bend, courtesy of Tiscali and my dial up internet kept dropping out πŸ˜‚πŸ‘
    Wow , yes 20 years ago tonight