1. Originally posted by Papo:They have managed to sell a single DVD for about € 40 - isn't that amazing? I doubt that they would have managed that with a commercial release. Brilliant move!

    And since the fan club had 19 million subscribers for the gift, that is around 760 million pounds, more than the 360 tour made! Oh wait a minute, my math is off a bit. They don't make subscription numbers public, but if they even made 1 million pounds profit on it, I would be shocked. I have never met one person who was in the U2 fan club. It seems like something for fanatics.. Sure they would have made more with a commercial release on both Blu Ray and DVD, but not a lot more, since people don't really buy Music DVD in droves. But U2 do seem to have a fascination with 4K and video quality, and having more cameras film a concert than any other artist.

    The results of this have been poor at best. You get Hammy Hamilton's 27 camera switches per minute, the Rose Bowl thing that looks nowhere near Hi Def, and was a weaker show than any of the 3 360 shows I saw on the first leg, and with Berlin, you get 4K that was wasted by releasing it on DVD. And then they probably had spent all kinds of money filming JT2017, and 5 years later nothing. If we are lucky, it will be released on some streaming thing after the band is done. The 2017 tour was mostly great, and I would've loved to see them on an IMAX screen in 2018 or so, with a Christmas Blu Ray, but the luster has dimmed a bit, but I would still pay for it, just not with the same excitement.
  2. Little things is actually TOP 5 U2 tune ever.........
  3. so i’ve been on the e+i tour a lot recently and i can say that it is on my top 5 U2’s all time tours
    1. ZooTV
    2. 360 Tour
    3. The Joshua Tree Tour
    4. e+i 2018 tour
    5. Elevation tour
    It’s the first tour that feels like ZooTV since Vertigo or 360, idk if you get what I said before, but it’s a really good tour i loved all the setlist, the return of Dirty Day that wasn’t performed since it’s year release and other great things. It’s surely better than it’s 2015 brother
  4. It's the best U2 tour I've seen.
  5. Mine too. Loved the technology, the set-list (London) and the narrative.
  6. I’d put E&I as the best I’ve seen as well but I will admit if I had seen a pre Copenhagen 2 show I would have placed it lower. At the time I was quite defensive of the shows and there were loads that I liked but for me the most disappointing wasn’t the presence of the innocence section that some fans complained about having again but it was the way it was watered down. No raised by wolves after it got only a short run, song for someone only lasted 1 show and Iris was a weaker version and they still decided to keep the worst or maybe joint worst version of SBS. UTEOTW was great as always especially when they reworked it with the album like intro and when they came to europe the swaps improved things Real thing, summer of love and NYD in place of Desire, staring at the sun and American soul, much better imo. The ocean didn’t add anything to the set because Bono sang so little of it, literally a line or 2 (except Tulsa which was a good performance of the song). So between the initial Setlist improvements from North America to the European shows and then the post Copenhagen improvements it did seem to be a tour that just kept getting better as it went on which isn’t always necessarily the case. Dublin 4 is probably the show of the tour but Berlin wasn’t far away nor were any of the last few shows in general probably from Milan 3 the set combined with the performance just got better and better.
  7. I thought the spectacle was quite ZOO TV esque when I saw the tour, despite it feeling like a production than a gig it was great and like ZOO, more of a concept.
  8. At the time of this tour I was defending them repeating the innocence section. It made perfect sense seeing how it was the experience + innocence tour, and it was visiting markets that never received IE.

    My only real complaint, which isn't even that big, was the lack of visual effort put in for the experience songs. Apart from The Blackout and Lights of Home, all the other experience songs didn't really have any effort put into their visuals. I was expecting an "experience" section similar to the "innocence" section where the band would be in the screen and have some cinematic visuals for their new songs, like Cedarwood, Raised and SFS had.
  9. For me the E&I tour was the least and most boring tour I've seen from U2, since 1989 I have seen concerts of all the tours. E&I was just a copy of I&E, but with worse songs, construction and a lot pre-recorded music.