1992-03-18 - East Rutherford, New Jersey - Brenden Byrne Arena

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Uczestnicy koncertu: 16

New York
New Jersey
4 użytkownicy z New York: 88stillhere, EDDMB, darkeststar29, lastniteonearth
2 z California: KenL, mauriceh01
2 z New Jersey: DavePoptart, minimalist
1 z United Arab Emirates: iambic
1 z Vermont: danalhf
1 z Maryland: bridonohue
1 z New Hampshire: teambud33
1 z United Kingdom: alsy01
1 z Connecticut: numda01
1 z Georgia: blueeyedboy
1 z Virginia: REEFER

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Nagranie: "JEMS Archive via BIGGIRL" - 4 gwiazdki


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18/3/1992 - East Rutherford, New Jersey - This review has spoilers
Generally all round a pretty standard Zoo TV show, which still means it’s very great. Zoo Station is pretty fantastic here - there’s a nice improv on the bridge from Bono and some lines have great phrasing. Even Better Than The Real Thing sounded pretty weak in places for Bono - he isn’t that aggressive here which doesn’t give the song much punch. One is very messy for Bono and the band mess up at the start, but Until the End of the World is an INCREDIBLE version - Edge changes up the riff for a moment here, which is something I’ve never heard before, and Bono goes absolutely all out here, he’s INCREDIBLY aggressive. Other highlights to mention are the Bullet the Blue Sky solo, which starts off sloppy but Edge more than makes up for it and Where the Streets Have No Name, where Bono is once again the star of the show. The encore is generally great, all songs are as good as usual, and Desire and With or Without You featuring their sporadic snippets is a huge treat too. The latter is actually extended as the band continue to play, which is something I’ve never heard before on Zoo TV. Love is Blindness is as great as usual, which is nothing surprising but Edge makes up for a couple lyrical errors from Bono. Another thing to mention here is the audience are ROARING at this show. Bono even alludes to this himself, and he’s absolutely right. Overall, this is a great show, which is the Zoo TV standard pretty much. It’s definitely worth a listen.

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"JEMS Archive via BIGGIRL"

  • Pochodzenie: Audience microphone
  • Autorzy: Steve Hendrix (Recording transferer), BigGiRL (Remasterer), Mike Ziegler (Recording transferer), RL aka "madelf" (Audio Taper)
  • Sprzęt: Sony WM-D6 (Audio recording device), Sony ECM-929 (Microphone)
  • Rodowód: [analogue master: 2x Maxell MX-SII-90] > VHS HIFi > .flac (16/48) > fre:ac > .wav (16/48) > iZotope RX 7 > .wav (16/44.1) > Adobe Audition CC > .wav > Frontend FLAC (7) > .flac
  • Ocena na bazie wszystkich opinii:
  • Pobrania: 166
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Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 256, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, kanały: 2
Pobierz przez Mega.nz

Audio / FLAC

Bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, kanały: 2
Pobierz przez Mega.nz

"1st GEN"

  • Pochodzenie: Audience microphone
  • Autorzy: RL aka "madelf" (Audio Taper)
  • Sprzęt: Sony WM-D6 (Audio recording device), Sony ECM-929 (Microphone)
  • Rodowód: [analogue master: 2x Maxell MX-SII-90] > 1st GEN on MAXEL XLII > .wav > CD-R > .shn > [...] > mp3
  • Ocena na bazie wszystkich opinii:
  • Pobrania: 514
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Audio / MP3

Bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, kanały: 2
Pobierz przez Mega.co.nz

"Let's Go To Vegas"

  • Pochodzenie: Audience microphone
  • Autorzy: Chatts99 (Recording transferer), Alex (Audio Taper)
  • Rodowód: [Analogue Master] > [Low Gen] Tape > Stand alone CD recorder > EAC > Nero wav split > .flac
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