maschio, 18
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Music, Computers
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2 anni fa
8 concerti durante 3 tours
record personali

2023-12-02 - Las Vegas
"For this show, my parents got Vibee fl.."
Tutte 5 recensioni

tour preferito: ZOO TV
"ZOO TV was very innovative, the band was at their best then. I also love the Achtung Baby and Zooropa albums."
show preferiti: 1992-06-11 - Stockholm
"I really like the performances of Horses, Mysterious Ways, Desire, Ultra Violet, and Zoo Station here. It's also the first boot I listened to. I also feel that I connect with it more than Dublin '93 for example (though I still enjoy listening that show)."
album preferito: Achtung Baby
"I really like the band's work in the 90s, Especially the first two albums of the decade. Passengers and Pop are still pretty good, though, not nearly as good when compared to the former duo."
canzone preferita: Where The Streets Have No Name
"It's a tossup between Streets, Ultra Violet, Zooropa, and Stay, (the list changes all the time). Though, I must conclude with Streets being my favorite with its legendary build up, made even better by the great transition during ZOO TV."

Informazioni su SlightedRadio91
Hi, I'm Ryan. I am currently a student. I enjoy listening to music (U2 and Depeche Mode are my favorites), and tinkering around with computers. I originally came here to just download bootlegs; but I've enjoyed the community to the point that I'm checking it out daily. :)
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