2018-06-05 - Montreal
Tour: Experience and Innocence tour
Songs played: 26
Audio recordings: 1
  1. Let's enjoy our band on this tour. It's their choice to stick to the narrative (play it safe as some people might say) The setlist works pretty good live. It's U2, they know how to make a show work.
    We all get something. They gave us one of their best opening nights in their career. They are playing Acrobat for the whole tour. POP gets represented with a great song which perfectly leads to Pride. The intermission is really cool and the Influx Remix intro of Elevation personally gives me chills (I always liked the influx remix opening the show with the band coming on the stage during Elevation Tour, but I was too young to attend a show). Elevation-Vertigo are crowd pleasers and awesome rockers, so they have to be there.
    And I find it great that they're playing so many SOI & SOE stuff. We can all imagine and dream about our ideal setlist, but this is what they are doing now and I believe they are doing great, they're having fun and the crowd is getting pretty into it.
    Let's appreciate them and enjoy the shows.
  2. Originally posted by iamcrazytonight:Let's enjoy our band on this tour. It's their choice to stick to the narrative (play it safe as some people might say) The setlist works pretty good live. It's U2, they know how to make a show work.
    We all get something. They gave us one of their best opening nights in their career. They are playing Acrobat for the whole tour. POP gets represented with a great song which perfectly leads to Pride. The intermission is really cool and the Influx Remix intro of Elevation personally gives me chills (I always liked the influx remix opening the show with the band coming on the stage during Elevation Tour, but I was too young to attend a show). Elevation-Vertigo are crowd pleasers and awesome rockers, so they have to be there.
    And I find it great that they're playing so many SOI & SOE stuff. We can all imagine and dream about our ideal setlist, but this is what they are doing now and I believe they are doing great, they're having fun and the crowd is getting pretty into it.
    Let's appreciate them and enjoy the shows.
    100% agreed
  3. This discussion has kind of hijacked this thread about the Montreal gig- is there just a thread for those who are bitching LOL??
  4. Originally posted by bonoschild:This discussion has kind of hijacked this thread about the Montreal gig- is there just a thread for those who are bitching LOL??
    No... but that actually might be a damn good idea.

    That way, they can have their say, voice their opinions freely, we can ignore that thread, no threads get hijacked, and everybody is happy!
  5. I was hoping the Walking On The Moon snippet would've been a bit better than that.

    Bono half-arsed it.
  6. Did anyone listening in to night 1 and 2 notice UTEOTW seemed off at the beginning? It didn't seem to have the same power and Edge was really hard to hear. Probably the only song that disappointed the last 2 nights.
  7. Originally posted by jennagirl:Did anyone listening in to night 1 and 2 notice UTEOTW seemed off at the beginning? It didn't seem to have the same power and Edge was really hard to hear. Probably the only song that disappointed the last 2 nights.
    You're not crazy, I can confirm being in GA at Night 1 there was definitely something wrong with the sound. People were looking around like "what the hell" - we could barely hear Edge.
  8. Was it a sound mix problem with his volume, or were you guys confused by the "new" way they're doing the intro?

    I was super confused in Omaha because I was used to Edge doing those muted slides through the intro (exactly like in the Slane version, probably the way they've done it most frequently)...but in Chicago, I picked up that its really just more like the album version's intro. Edge plays a lot less (still mutes and strums a little, but nowhere near as much) and intro focuses a little more on Larry's drums/toms specifcally.

    I think its cool, similar to how Wild Horses had the album intro sound (never been done live as far as I know) and how on JT30 they were playing songs like I Still Haven't Found and BTBS slightly truer to their album renditions.

    It's great to hear classics that have been tweaked live over the years represented JUST like their album incarnations. It's counter-intuitive, since "live is where they live," but there's something about seeing the songs that way at least once.
  9. Something was wrong. Even the screen was blank for the majority of the song.
  10. Originally posted by MattG:Was it a sound mix problem with his volume, or were you guys confused by the "new" way they're doing the intro?

    I was super confused in Omaha because I was used to Edge doing those muted slides through the intro (exactly like in the Slane version, probably the way they've done it most frequently)...but in Chicago, I picked up that its really just more like the album version's intro. Edge plays a lot less (still mutes and strums a little, but nowhere near as much) and intro focuses a little more on Larry's drums/toms specifcally.

    I think its cool, similar to how Wild Horses had the album intro sound (never been done live as far as I know) and how on JT30 they were playing songs like I Still Haven't Found and BTBS slightly truer to their album renditions.

    It's great to hear classics that have been tweaked live over the years represented JUST like their album incarnations. It's counter-intuitive, since "live is where they live," but there's something about seeing the songs that way at least once.
    Oh no, I realized that right away and thought it was awesome. And I agree! It's great to hear them make little changes. It was just as awesome to hear the influx remix intro of Elevation

    But no, throughout like the first half of the song Edge's guitar apart from the main chorus "riff" was completely mute.