favorite tour: U2 360° Tour
"This was my first tour that I was able to follow live as it was happening, and was easily my most active time on U2Start. I also saw two shows on this tour, and one of them is the best performance I've ever attended (out of somewhere between 500-1000 total)."
favorite show: 2011-07-05 - Chicago
"I was there, and it was remarkable. Again, just like I mentioned in my "Favorite Tour" description, there may be better U2 shows but this one blew me away. TTTYAATW snippet in Mysterious Ways, IWF swapped for Out of Control, incredible version of Stay, and closing with One Tree Hill...the whole show was wild."
favorite song: Until The End Of The World
"With or Without You is probably U2's best-written and recorded song, IMO, but this track has always drawn me in live. Now, playing with a U2 tribute band, it's also my favorite song to play in the set."