U2 - Desire

Rattle and Hum

Desire lyrics


Lover, I'm off the street
Gonna go where the bright lights
And the big city meet
With a red guitar...on fire

She's a candle burning in my room
Yeah I'm like the needle, needle and spoon
Over the counter with a shotgun
Pretty soon everybody got one
And the fever when I'm beside her
Desire, desire

And the fever... getting higher
Desire, desire... burning, I'm burning

She's the dollars
She's my protection
Yeah she's a promise
In the year of election
Oh sister
I can't let you go
Like a preacher stealing hearts
At a traveling show

For love or money money money
Money money money
Money money money, money money
And the fever, getting higher
Desire, desire
Desire, desire

Desire, desire


Rattle and Hum

  1. Helter Skelter
  2. Van Diemen's Land
  3. Desire
  4. Hawkmoon 269
  5. All Along The Watchtower
  6. Silver And Gold
  7. Angel Of Harlem
  8. Love Rescue Me
  9. When Love Comes To Town
  10. Heartland
  11. God Part II
  12. All I Want Is You

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