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U2 Fanatic
Music, Art, Travel, History, Spirituality, People, Beauty
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12 лет назад
70 шоу из 5 туров
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2015-11-27 - Dublin
оценил(а) на:
"Hard to imagine another show which cou.."
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Songs Of Experience
mdmomof7 слышал(а) 12 songs из Songs Of Experience альбомов вживую.
Все 15 альбомов

любимый тур: Innocence and Experience tour
"My first U2 arena tour, 2nd overall tour. The energy, intimacy and personal connection with the band and the audience is something I expected, but then again I didn't. Stunning"
с любимыми концертами: 2015-11-27 - Dublin
"Dublin - seeing a show here was the pinnacle of my bucket list. I was blown away at the small size and proximity of 3arena and I had already been blessed to see many memorable shows this tour including all 4 ietour shows at 3arena. This particular night's emotions - mine, my friends', the band's - the band's performance this night, being on the rail and having the band walk next to me to access the 'e' stage, filled my heart to bursting. This night was also my 1st time hearing New Year's Day live. NYD is the 1st U2 song I ever heard and I still love it. As such, NYD was at the the top of my bucket list to hear in Dublin along with A Sort of Homecoming. The way the band performed my favorite song this night, Bad, was incredible. I'd heard Bad other times this tour and on 360 in Pittsburgh. All magical. But this night in Dublin, there was an even more present and powerful tangible spirituality to U2's performance, the crowd's response and the atmosphere in that arena. Transcendence"
любимый альбом: The Unforgettable Fire
"I find it extremely difficult to choose ONE U2 album. Such a difficult blessing to select from so much greatness. TJT and AB are right there as well, but if I had to pick ONE album, it would have to be this album. It contains Bad - my favorite U2 song and TUF as a whole is poetry. It's ethereal, atmospheric, pure art. "
любимая песня: Bad
"Bad's immediate presence and connection is something I cannot get over - and I don't want to, ever. It grabs and doesn't let go. Visceral. Its perfect simplicity and riveting emotion is something of this world and yet not. The personal yet universal essence of Bad challenges and enriches my soul. Just beautiful."

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